International Vesak Celebration at Seattle, Washington
Phra Khru Sitthidhamvites, the abbot of Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery ,kindly performing as the president of the monastic assembly, paid homage to the Triple Gem after that Phra Khru Bhavanavites, the abbot of Seattle Meditation Center gave an opening speech of the ceremony.
The ceremony to establish the Dhammakaya Meditation Center of Bavaria- a Buddhist Sanctuary
The Great Imperial Crystal Ball of Bavaria is a sacred principle crystal ball that was named by the Most Venerable Phrathepyanmahamunee (Luang Phaw DhammaChaiyo), the Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand.
Ceremony to Place Marker Spheres to Establish the Sacred Boundary of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria
It started on May 23rd, 2015 through the chanting of the Buddha’s Mantra and Tijeevaravippavasa led by Most Venerable Phraprommethi, the committee member and spokesperson of the Supreme Sangha Council, and the monastic assembly in order to purify the temple and the land.
Meritorious activities in honor of Songkran Festival at Niendorf Center of Wat Buddha Hamburg in Germany
Wat Buddha Hamburg arranged the meritorious activities in honor of Songkran Festival at Niendorf Center in Germany
Spreading Peace with the Great Faith of Humankind
Wat Phra Dhammakaya rapidly grew, along with the hearts and minds of its supporters which had grow in great numbers throughout the years.
Offering Alms to 30,000 Temples Is to Prolong Buddhism
A participating monk gave an interviewed that he participates in this ceremony almost every year and when he saw lots of monks gathering together, he was overwhelming with joy because it showed the strength of Buddhism, so he would like to thank Luang Phaw Dhammajayo very much.
Understanding Life’s Goal
On the first day of meditation practice with Khun Yay, the first question the new student asked was: “Khun Yay does heaven and hell exist?” Khun Yay simply answered, “Yes, they both exist.
The Great Imperial Crystal Ball of Bavaria is a sacred principle crystal ball that was named by the Most Venerable Phrathepyanmahamuni (Luang Por Dhammajayo), the Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand.
Moving Towards the Saffron Robe
Later, young Chaiboon came to a clear realisation that knowledge of the world could not truly keep humankind from suffering, or be able to attain true happiness; only the wisdom derived from meditation could help.
Perseverance in Meditation Practice until True Peace is Obtained
In order to fully grasp and understand the answer, he had to seriously dedicate his life to the study of Dhamma.